Company overview

The Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE) was established in 2004 as a sub-network of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).

CANQATE’s mission, which is compatible with the aims and objectives of INQAAHE, is to enable members to share information about the maintenance, evaluation, accreditation and improvement of higher education and to disseminate good practices in the field of Quality Assurance.

Against this background, CANQATE was established primarily as a network of external quality assurance agencies but included government ministries, state agencies, higher education institutions and related entities within the CARICOM region that have an interest in quality assurance capacity building.

CANQATE works to promote capacity building among countries and institutions of higher education and to facilitate regional discourses on policy and research in the fields of quality assurance and quality enhancement whilst engaging policy makers, researchers, evaluators, administrators and faculty in professional development.